
Rachel (Thomas’ Mom)

“Do what brings you peace in your home. Katherine has been a huge help in doing that for our family.”

Kristina (Leighton’s Mom)

“The sleeping, feeding & general baby care guidelines you taught us truly gave us the confidence we needed.”


Becky (Emma’s Mom)

“Thank you so much for giving me the tools and the confidence I needed to help with Emma. The schedule is easy to follow and works awesome! Emma is an awesome sleeper & napper! She is always so happy thanks to Parenting with Purpose. I will definitely be referring all my new mom friends to you!”

Liya (Dong Dong’s Mom)

“I’m very happy that my baby started sleeping through the night so quickly, way beyond our expectations! I really appreciate your guidance and help in the last 3 months when I was confused and didn’t know what to do.”