Sleep Made Simple from the Start

Sleep in the newborn days is actually pretty simple. However, with so many options for swaddles and fancy bassinets, it can be overwhelming know what to choose. I want to help give you a few of my favorite items which when used together can maximize sleep from the start.

White Noise

White noise is one of the most important keys to getting those long stretches of sleep. The womb is a noisy place so white noise actually mimics the sounds your baby is used to hearing while you were pregnant. It also helps baby get deeper and more restorative sleep. I still travel with white noise or use a white noise app when I am away from home because my whole family sleeps better! I also like the portable options for the car or even daycare! When white noise is used consistently, it builds a sleep association which tells your baby it is time for sleep helping them fall asleep faster.

The Hatch Plus is my favorite because it will grow with your baby through the toddler years. It has a digital clock and even a light you can use during overnight feeds. The Homedics and Conair are both very ecomical options. The Lectrofan provides a great quality white noise. I love the Rohm and Homedics portable white noise for when you are out of the house or even just in a room outside of the nursery. The most important thing to remember is you want the white noise to be loud. For most white noise machines, you can put them up to the maximum level (the Hatch I recommend 50-75%).

Favorite White Noise Machines


For babies under 12 weeks, the swaddle is a must. A good swaddle will help prevent the startle reflex by keeping the arms secure by the sides. By reducing this startle, baby will likely sleep longer stretches of sleep at an earlier age. You want the swaddle to keep the arms tight while still allowing plenty of room for legs to move as well as being away from the face. You should swaddle your baby any time that they are sleeping on a flat surface (crib, bassinet, play n play). While many parents say that their baby does not like the swaddle and fights it, typically within a few minutes the swaddle will help your baby relax and get to sleep quickly.

The Moms on Call Swaddle works like magic when done correctly. My personal favorite is the Miracle Blanket Swaddle which I used with my own babies. The Halo Swaddle is a great option because it is so simple that anyone can do it. I also included the Wombie on my list. It can be used by itself or over the top of another swaddle you are using. I love using the Wombie over the top of other swaddles to add an extra layer of security when your baby gets bigger and stronger and tries to bust out of the swaddle.

Favorite Swaddle Blankets


While not all babies will take a pacifier and not all parents like to offer them, I find them to be a very helpful tool in the first few months. Sucking is very soothing to a baby and helps them settle. My kids all took pacifiers easily, and I’m honestly not sure how parents survive without them. Your baby will likely not keep the pacifier in their mouth all night, but you can help them with it when falling asleep as well as during soothing rounds overnight. My 2 favorites are the BIBS pacifier and the Wubbanub. The BIBS has a thick bulb on the end to help baby keep it in the mouth easier. The Wubbanub is a great option because it has a little weight to it so you can prop it on top of the carseat or swaddle in the crib. It is also helpful as baby gets older so they have a bigger object to find and grab themselves at night which means they will wake you less. I personally used the Gumdrops and NUK pacifiers with my own babies. The Ryan & Rose pacifier has been recommended to me by friends and is so pretty too!

Favorite Pacifiers

In review, swaddle TIGHT, white noise on LOUD, and pacifier in the mouth in a DARK room will make getting your baby to sleep easier and help them sleep longer stretches!

To Dad, Love Mom: How to Support Me Before & After Baby Arrives


In honor of Father’s Day, we want to take some time to recognize all of the amazing dads out there who are giving it their all!  While moms often get most of the credit for caring for babies during those first few months, fathers play a vital role as well that should not be overlooked.

Dads may be wired differently as providers and caregivers, but they love your precious child as much as you do and are great at finding unique, meaningful ways to help! I have been lucky to have a great teammate in this wild world of parenting and love getting to partner with families as a Moms On Call Consultant and help them figure out what their version of teamwork looks like.

If you are a new or expectant parent, I want to offer fathers some great ideas of ways they can support, encourage and love both mom and baby at each stage of the game–during pregnancy, during the delivery and throughout those early weeks and months after bringing your new baby home. 

During Pregnancy:

Attend prenatal appointments with mom as much as your schedule allows. 
I know COVID has limited this for many expectant parents, but as things get back to normal, I would strongly encourage you to attend appointments together. This allows you both to meet the providers, have questions answered and be informed about what to expect during pregnancy and delivery. It is also fun to see and/or hear the heartbeat at each appointment, allowing your bond to start growing with your new little one!

Find a birthing class and breastfeeding class to attend (in person or online).  

Most new moms are a little anxious, so going to these classes with them can help ease some of those anxieties. After the classes, talk about what you both want your child’s birth to look like and how you can support her when the time comes.

Encourage and Engage!

There is no better way to show mom you care than to support and engage with her as you’re preparing for your baby’s arrival. One great preparation option is to watch the Moms On Call Online Courses and familiarize yourself with the books, so that you have an idea of all of the different things that will be going on when baby comes home, such as: bathing, feeding, typical day routines and more! I also offer prenatal consultations to help you feel prepared for delivery and the first few weeks at home with your new baby.

Treat her like a princess!  

Whether it is a late-night run to the grocery store for an ice cream craving or a nightly foot massage, she deserves to be spoiled and pampered during this time.

Be a listening ear!  

Let her talk, not only about her excitement for this new adventure, but also let her express any fears, worries or anxieties she is facing.  

During Delivery:

Stand by what she wants for her birth experience and adjust accordingly.

If she wants a natural unmedicated delivery, be ready to breathe through every contraction with her and provide lots of back rubs. If she wants an epidural, support her in that decision, too. If she needs a c-section, reassure her that she and the baby will be okay.

Get involved and be attentive.  

Many dads get nervous and want to hang out “on the sidelines.” Currently, in many labor & delivery rooms you are only allowed one support person. Be present and get involved as much as possible or requested. 

Step up and hold a leg.  

When the time comes for her to push, jump right in and assist! As a L&D nurse, I promise that it is not nearly as bad as you imagine, and the birth process is truly amazing to witness.

The First Few Weeks:

Get up with mom during the overnight feedings.  

In our household, we had a system the first couple of weeks where my husband would wake up with the baby and change the diaper, then I would nurse. This helped me to feel supported and not alone.

Keep mom stocked up on snacks and drinks.  

Make sure she always has a full cup of water and a snack nearby. Especially if she is breastfeeding, because nursing makes you incredibly hungry!

Take over baby duty and allow mom to get a nap. 

Every little bit of sleep counts those first few weeks and new moms have a hard time truly relaxing. Reassure her that you have things under control so she can fully relax and take a nap. Bonus points for folding laundry, cleaning or cooking dinner, too!

Offer to do bath and bedtime feeding. 

Once breastfeeding is established (usually around 2 weeks), offer to do the bath and bedtime feeding (bottle of formula or pumped breast milk). This allows mom to have a much needed break at the end of the day while also allowing you to bond with the new baby.

Learn and perfect the Moms on Call swaddle!

What better way to show support than perfecting one of the critical components of great sleep in those first few months? Not to mention the additional bonding that happens between you and baby!

As much as we may want our partner to be in tune with our every need from day 1, that may not always be a reality. Keep the communication lines open and be honest with the things that you need most from your partner during this time. No one has all of the answers and every relationship is unique, but these suggestions are a way to both engage and celebrate the role fathers play in the first precious moments of parenting and the years to come. 

Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there! You are loved and appreciated! 

My name is Katherine Bridges, and I live in Cumming, GA. I have over 8 years of experience working as an RN in Labor & Delivery. I have been married to my husband Ethan for 9 years.  We have 3 beautiful children: Carter (7), Logan (4), and Finley (2). I discovered Moms on Call when my oldest was 7 months old and not sleeping through the night.  I found myself exhausted and overwhelmed as a new mom.  I quickly implemented the Moms on Call schedules, and within 3 days, he was sleeping through the night! I found so much freedom and confidence using the Moms on Call methods. I used the schedules from day 1 with my next 2 babies, and they were great sleepers from the start! I decided to start Little Lambs, LLC to share this knowledge and hands on experience with other parents in hopes that they will have this same success. Life is so much more enjoyable when everyone is sleeping well!